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GeoGuessr can be more than just fun. It will allow you to learn something new or test your knowledge in practice. The basis for the game is Google maps. The user’s task is simple. You need to run the program and get an image of a certain place. The point can be any and located on different continents, islands, etc. After the image appears on the screen, the player needs to take some time to study the clues. They can be:
– road signs;
– license plates;
– signs;
– flags (if you’re lucky);
– significant objects (monuments, natural landmarks, etc.);
– people’s appearance (skin color, standard of living, style of dress).

Take into account the following points!

You should not neglect details. Sometimes the right answer can be triggered by an unimportant, seemingly insignificant detail. Once the player realizes in which country this street (house, place, etc.) is located, he will only need to select a point on the Google map. After all the actions, the system will start checking the user’s answer. The closer the point determined by the gamer will be to the correct coordinates, the more points he will get on his account. The popularity of entertainment is so high that the developers created several remakes. Accordingly, the player can start searching for a world-famous place or determine a specific country, etc. Thus, the game will not be able to bore even a sophisticated fan of the genre.

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